Update 0.5.1

This is a minor update incorporating first-pass reader and playtester feedback for draft 0.5. All page numbers refer to the PDF version.

  • Removed an erroneous reference to a currently unreleased subsection of Appendix B from the Table of Contents (p. 2)
  • Reorganised "What You'll Need" for clarity (p. 6)
  • Reworded definition of "tagging" under "Trait Effects" (p. 10)
  • Clarified that "Flowing Form" does not allow changing colour or texture (at least not by itself) (p. 17)
  • Updated "Fulsome Fluids" to remove an inappropriate assumption that the player character has hands (p. 18)
  • Reorganised "Hearty Humours" to better distinguish descriptive flavour from narrative permissions (p. 18)
  • Clarified that "Mobile Members" is limited by one's native capacity to multitask rather than a strict "one member at a time" policy (permitting, e.g., interactions with "Polycephalous"); additionally, elaborated on what coordinating multiple members entails (p. 20)
  • Slight wording update to "Modal Morphology" to clarify that the character has two shapes in total (p. 21)
  • Clarified timing of effortful application of "Peculiar Poise" (p. 21)
  • Clarified that the relative-scale-adjusting effortful application of "Striking Stature" is sustained (p. 23)
  • Clarified that the secondary effect of the Art of Abundance can be activated multiple times (p. 36)
  • Rolled back changes to deactivation criteria for the Art of Alteration (this was a copy-and-paste error from a larger potential reworking of this Art which was not included in draft 0.5) (p. 36)
  • Reorganised bullet points under the Art of Exposition for better text flow (p. 37)
  • Clarified that a test re-rolled via the Art of Iteration can claim an extra die for being made in conjunction with an Art if it hasn't done so already (p. 38)
  • Reorganised bullet points under the Art of Making for better text flow (p. 39)
  • Clarified that the Art of Realisation applies to any artistic depiction, not just drawings (p. 40)
  • Reorganised "Gathering Dice" to make it more explicit exactly when the five-dice cap for tests is applied, and what happens if you go over it (p. 48)
  • Dialed back some over-wordiness in the preamble to "Forms and Impact" (p. 81)
  • Discussion of print-and-play NPC cards now refers readers back to "What You'll Need" rather than repeatedly explaining how to obtian them (pp. 88, 100)
  • Clarified that starting Gizmos in "The Clockwork City" can be taken even if non-Gizmo starting inventory is chosen rather than rolled (p. 102)
  • Fixed a bug in the Online Character Generator which was causing the names of randomly selected inventory items to appear as "undefined"
  • Various typographic and formatting fixes


eat-god-0.5.1.pdf 838 kB
9 days ago
eat-god-0.5.1.epub 395 kB
9 days ago
eat-god-0.5.1.zip 596 kB
9 days ago
eat-god-0.5.1-form-cards-print-and-play.pdf 97 kB
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eat-god-0.5.1-art-cards-print-and-play.pdf 57 kB
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eat-god-0.5.1-playset-cards-print-and-play.pdf 111 kB
9 days ago
eat-god-0.5.1-vtt-resources.zip 16 MB
9 days ago
Online Character Generator (beta)
Aug 14, 2024

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